
Ucko, Tringham and Dimbleby (eds.) 1972


Peter John Ucko, Ruth Tringham and G. W. Dimbleby (eds.),
Man, Settlement and Urbanism.
Proceedings of a Meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects held at the Institute of Archaeology, London University.
(Schenkman Publishing Co., Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1972)
xxviii, 979 p.

Preface (ix)
List of participants (xv)
Introduction (xix)

Part One: Non-urban settlement
Section One: Concepts, in theory and practice (p. 3)
Section Two: The influence of mobility on non-urban settlement (p. 115)
Section Three: The influence of ecology and agriculture on non-urban settlement (p. 211)

Part Two: Factors influencing both non-urban and urban settlement
Section One: Population, disease and demography (p. 345)
Section Two: Territoriality and the demarcation of Land (p. 427)
Section Three: Techniques, planning and cultural change (p. 487)

Part Three: Urban settlement
Section One: Development and characteristics of urbanism (p. 559)
Section Two: Regional and local evidence for urban settlement
Subsection A: The Nile Valley (p. 639)
Subsection B: Western Asia and the Aegean (p. 735)
Subsection C: Western Europe (p. 843)
Subsection D: Sub-Saharan Africa (p. 883)
Subsection E: Central and South America (p. 903)
Conclusion (p. 947)

General index (p. 955)
Index of sites and localities (p. 961)
Index of authors (p. 967)


第3部のAがナイル川を扱っており、B. J. ケンプが"Fortified towns in Nubia"や"Temple and town in ancient Egypt"を書いている他、D. オコーナーが"The geography of settlement in ancient Egypt"と題した論考を寄稿。ケンプがこの時、すでにセセビについて言及しているのは興味深い。H. S. スミスは"Society and settlement in ancient Egypt"を、また続いてE. アップヒルの"The concept of the Egyptian palace as a ruling machine"が掲載されています。

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